“David of Sassoun” the epic in Armenian compositional art.


  • Tsovinar Hrayr Movsisyan Yerevan State Conservatory


The lyrical drama, Ballet, Opera, Symphony


There are very few musical versions of Armenian national epic David of Sassoun. Nevertheless, various historical, theoretical and literary sources stated that Komitas, the founder of the Armenian professional music, dreamed of creating an opera based on the epic. Unfortunately, to this day no documents or a rough draft have been found, confirming Komitas's plans of writing the opera. Chronologically, the first musical resort to the epic was associated with the name of Shahan Reteos Berberian. The lyrical drama "David of Sassoun" (libretto by Hakob Oshakan) was written during the 1935-1940 in Jerusalem. The first serious attempt of musical and dramatic embodiment of the epic was written in the Soviet era by Haro Stepanyan in 1939 (libretto by Derenik Demirchyan). One particular example of the musical embodiment of the lyrical line of the epic was "Khandut" ballet (1945). The music for the ballet performance was compiled by Gevorg Budaghyan, conductor, who adapted some fragments from Alexander Spendiaryan works, both popular and unknown. The two most significant, due to their artistic values, musical versions of the epic that are known to this day, were created almost simultaneously, in 1976-1977- Alexander Adjemian's Fifth Symphony for a symphony orchestra, organ and four-part choir entitled "David of Sassoun", and Edgar Hovhannisian's opera-ballet "David of Sassoun". The study reviews the stylistic features of the mentioned works, as well as their artistic value within the chronological context of the Armenian professional music.

Author Biography

Tsovinar Hrayr Movsisyan, Yerevan State Conservatory

graduated in 1989 from the Department of Musicology at the YSC (Research supervisor A. Budaghyan, Ph.D. in Arts, Prof.). In 1992-1994 she completed her postgraduate studies at the Moscow AllUnion Institute for Art Studies under the guidance of Doctor of Arts, prof. Isabella Yolian. She worked in the editorial office of “Arvest” magazine, and in the Armenian Encyclopedia Publishing House. Since 1989 she is working at the YSC. In 2018 she was appointed Vice-Rector for Science of the YSC. In 2011 Ts. Movsisyan defended her Ph.D. thesis on «Stylistic Characteristics of Edgar Hovhannisyan’s Chamber Instrumental and Symphonic Works" (the guidance of Doctor of Arts, prof. K. A. Jaghatspanyan), for which the HAC of the RA awarded her the scientific degree PhD of Art, and in 2012 she received the academic title of Associate Professor. She is the author of three monographs: “Edgar Hovhannisyan. My Life in Memories” (the text was written down and edited by Ts. Movsisyan) Yerevan, Tigran Mets, 1988; “Chamber Instrumental and Symphonic Works by Edgar Hovhannisyan”, Yerevan., Caucasus Center for Iranian Studies, 2012; "Yuri Harutyunyan: Life Parallels", Yerevan, Collage, 2014. She has also published over thirty research articles in "Arvest", "Yerazhshtakan Hayastan", "Patmabanasirakan Handes", "Handes" EGITK, "Hayagitakan Handes" (Beirut), and "Musikalnaya Akademiya" periodicals, as well as in proceedings of international scientific conferences.


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How to Cite

Movsisyan Ծ. Հ. (2021). “David of Sassoun” the epic in Armenian compositional art. Musical Armenia, 1(60), 20–25. Retrieved from https://yerazhshtakanhayastan.am/index.php/ma/article/view/50