Pages from the History of Collaboration Between Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory and NAS RA institute of Arts


  • Anna Grigor Asatryan Institute of Arts of the NAS RA


NAS RA Institute of Arts, Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory, collaboration, postgraduate, external and doctoral courses, Specialized Council 016 on Art Criticism, joint scholarly conferences, Armenian Musicology


For the first time in Armenian Musicology, the author pages through the history of collaboration between Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory and NAS RA Institute of Arts. Said collaboration was particularly efficient in the field of capacity development: the Conservatory provided musicologists to the center of Armenian Musicology — the Institute of Arts, while the Institute of Arts, with its postgraduate, external and doctoral courses, to a great extent contributed to the advancement of musicological qualification and professional level of the faculty of the Conservatory. The overwhelming majority of the present-day Doctors and Candidates of Sciences of the Conservatory faculty have been awarded their degrees by the Specialized Council 016 on Art Criticism under the aegis of NAS RA Institute of Arts.
The progress of Armenian Musicology has been significantly promoted by the joint scholarly conferences, organized by NAS RA Institute of Arts and Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory.

Author Biography

Anna Grigor Asatryan, Institute of Arts of the NAS RA

Musicologist, Honored Art Worker of Armenia, Doctor of Arts, professor. Graduated from the Faculty of Singing and Music Theory at Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory (1992). In 2001 she has completed post graduate studies at the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia (academic supervisor G. Geodakyan). In 1991-2002 has been teaching at Yerevan Romanos Melikyan Music College. A. Asatryan has been working at the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia as a researcher (2002-2003), academic secretary (2003-2005), deputy director (2005-2021) and acting director (since 2021). In 2009-2016 she has been the head of the Department of Art of Armenian Diaspora and International Relations, and the head of the Department of Music at the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia. She has been academic secretary (2003-2014), a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia (2012-2021), and its Chair (since 2021). Academic Secretary of the Specialized Council on Art History (016) of the Supreme Certifying Committee at the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia (since 2004). Since 2019 she is the Chief Editor of Art History Magazine published by the Institute of Arts of the NAS of Armenia. Since 2002 she is the Chair of the Tigran Chukhajian Foundation; Vice President of the Academy of Humanitarian Studies (since 2010). Since 2013 she is the member of the Union of Composers of Armenia; the member of its Board (2017) and the Council (2022). Anna Asatryan has been a member of the Public Council of the RA (2009-2018), member of the Council of Elders of the First (2009-2013), Second (2013-3017) and Third (2017-2018) terms in Yerevan Municipality. In 2014 and 2017 she was the delegate from Araratian Pontifical Diocese at the Armenian Apostolic Church Representative Assembly. She is the member of the Academic Council of the Komitas Museum Institute (since 2015); the member of the Academic Council of the Aram Khachaturyan House Museum (since 2022). Anna Asatryan is the author of 11 monographs and around 220 research articles on modern and contemporary Armenian music. Fifteen PhD dissertations were defended under Asatryan's academic supervision.


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How to Cite

Asatryan Ա. Գ. (2022). Pages from the History of Collaboration Between Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory and NAS RA institute of Arts. Musical Armenia, 2(61), 60–68. Retrieved from