Genocide issue in the works of Modern Armenian Composers Mansuryan, Dellalyan, Yerkanyan and Sharafyan, heirs of Refugees from Turkey


  • Anna Sen Arevshatyan Ереванская государственная консерватория им. Комитаса

Ключевые слова:

Armenian Genocide, Ottoman Turkey, a tragedy, genr, Tigran Mansuryan, Harutyun Dellalian, Yervand Yerkanyan, Vache Sharafyan


There is not a single Armenian in whose soul the memory of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 in Ottoman Turkey will not burn, like the inconsumable bush. It has been reflected in many literary, theatrical and fine arts works. Nor Armenian modern composers remain indifferent. Their numerous chamber, symphonic and musical-scenic compositions have embodied and given worthy artistic expression of the first Genocide of the 20th century. The article presents the musical works of the heirs of Genocide survivors who migrated to different countries from Turkey and in the second half of the 1940-es were repatriated to Soviet Armenia. Among them are works dedicated to the Genocide, created in different genres and for different ensembles by Harutyun Dellalian, Tigran Mansuryan, Yervand Yerkanyan and Vache Sharafyan, reflecting the thoughts and feelings of those authors about these tragic events through the means of expression of musical mentality.

Биография автора

Anna Sen Arevshatyan, Ереванская государственная консерватория им. Комитаса

Ph.Doctor since of Arts 2001. She was graduated from department of musicology of Yerevan State Conservatory named after Komitas (1975). Arevshatyan is the Senior Researcher (1976-) in Armenian Music Studies Department, Institute of Arts of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia and Professor at Yerevan State Conservatory (since 1990). She is the author of 11 monographs, dedicated to the history, theory and aesthetics of Armenian sacred music. Arevshatyan authorized many essays and articles in Armenian, Russian, French, German and English languages.

Библиографические ссылки

Arevchatyan A., «Le Génocide et la musique moderne arménienne», //Arménie musicale, N 2 (17), 2005, p. 9-12 (en arménien)

Arevchatyan A., «Le Génocide et la musique moderne arménienne», /Messager du Pays, édition exceptionnelle, Beyrouth, 24 avril 2005, p. 61-64

Arevchatyan A., «Le thème du Génocide arménien dans les œuvres des compositeurs arméniens modernes, Génocide Arménien – 100, De la reconnaissance à la compensation», Recueil d’exposés de symposium, Erevan, Éditions Guitoutiun, 2016, p.478-486




Как цитировать

Arevshatyan, A. S. (2022). Genocide issue in the works of Modern Armenian Composers Mansuryan, Dellalyan, Yerkanyan and Sharafyan, heirs of Refugees from Turkey. Музыкальная Армения, (1), 56–61. извлечено от


